Bumper Car Safety

Bumper cars are a type of automobile but are they as safe as most automobiles on the road today? When it comes to automobile safety we see that there has been many years of study, design, and practice in all aspects of the automobile. For this reason, we have automobiles that are extremely safe for the driver and all members of his family.

For example, think about the recent requirement of having airbags installed for both the driver and passenger in the front seat. These airbags, upon impact, have saved the lives of thousands of people. Also, cars are now being equipped with rear view cameras and sensors. The sensors prevent the driver from rear ending into a vehicle that is in front of him.

ufo bumper cars

However, bumper cars at your local amusement park do not have all of these safety features. Therefore, does that mean that they are unsafe for both children and adults? That is a very good question and to understand the answer we would have to look into the history of injuries caused by bumper cars.

When you look into such a history of injuries caused by bumper cars you will be amazed to discover that there are virtually no serious injuries and only a few minor ones. The majority of injuries caused on the bumper car track are from people who ignore the safety warnings.

The number one cause of injuries on a bumper car track is when the people are leaving the bumper car after it stops. People are warned not to leave the vehicle until it has come to a complete stop but they ignore this warning. As a result, a person could trip and fall because the vehicle has not come to a complete stop. This obviously can cause an injury but the fault lies completely with the customer who ignored the warning.

For more, you can see: http://bestonbumpercars.com/how-are-bumper-cars-powered/ and Buy Safe Bumper Cars